Funerals at St Mark's Church

For Christians, as for everyone else, the death of a loved one is a sad occasion, but it does not strip life of meaning or cause a sense of hopelessness because we know that God is more powerful than death and has demonstrated that specifically through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We are happy to take the funeral of anyone at St Mark’s – regardless of their beliefs – and we endeavour to be as sensitive as possible to their values and understanding of life and death. That said, we are a church, and we reserve the right to express the church’s faith in the funeral service, to pray to God on behalf of those who are grieving and to commend to God’s keeping the person who has died.
A funeral at Saint Mark’s will offer comfort to family, friends and other mourners, the commendation to God of the person who has died, and the committal of the body for burial or cremation.
We will work with you to ensure the service honours your loved one in a personalised and meaningful way.
Very frequently the refurbished Parish Hall is used as a venue for the reception that normally follows a Funeral Service. To view the inside of the church and hall please click on the following hyperlinks
360 degree view of St Marks Church
360 degree view of the Parish Centre
More information on the process of booking the church and hall, and the costs involved, is available from the Parish Office (telephone 09 520 2258 or email